I got my love of Skookums from my mother. Shes collected them for years. Every time I went home for a visit, I would get all of the Skookum dolls out of her cabinet to enjoy until I got on the plane to come home. How I wanted just one! I just loved all their faces. But with 2 small daughters at home, Skookum collecting wasnt in the budget.
My daughters are in college now. While my youngest was home last summer she introduced me to Internet auctions. Oh my gosh! Here were Skookums! And now I could afford them! I live in upstate New York, and Skookum dolls are few and far between.
I bought my first doll last August. This February I went home for a visit, and brought along pictures of my tribe to show my mom. She was amazed at my growing collection, not realizing how much I loved them!
The day before I was leaving to come home, my mother said, Go to the Skookum cabinet and pick out a doll. It will be your birthday present. Ill give you one every year for Christmas and your birthday. What a surprise!
How could I pick just one? How do you choose?
But there she was! This wonderful scowling lady in a beautiful felt dress, with kerchief on her head, a great necklace, suede moccasins, and that face!
She rode home on the plane sitting on my lap. I love you, mom.
(If you would like to submit a photo and description of a favorite Skookum find for possible publication, write to info@SkookumNews.com)
Text and photo courtesy of Deb Hawkins
with thanks from the editors